For the last few years, instead of picking a New Year’s resolution, I have liked picking a “word of the year” instead. The idea is to pick a word for a year and see how God is speaking to you through that word.
In the past, some words I have picked have included “be” and “discover.” For 2022 my word of the year was “teach,” which ended up playing out with me teaching Catholic inspired art tutorials on YouTube.
There are different ways to discern your word of the year, but my go to method has been picking a word at random using Jen Fulwiler’s Word of the Year generator. To me, it takes the guess work out of deciding my word or at least gives me a place to start and further discern my word in prayer.
I thought with 2023 right around the corner, it would be fun to do a Word of the Year inspired craft tutorial. I used Jen Fulwiler’s Word of the Year and Saint’s Name generator to randomly select a word and a Saint and I used a bead kit I found at TJ Maxx to create a matching word beaded bracelet.
Supplies needed:
Holiday DIY Bead Kit (I found mine at TJ Maxx) (Here’s a similar type of option on Amazon:
Elastic Stretch Cord (mine was part of my kit)
Masking Tape
Super Glue OR
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