AKA “How I got my kids to play quietly for over an hour in silence.” If you’re looking for a fun activity for your children to get them excited about the faith and storytelling, this is the lesson for you!
Stop motion is a way of creating films by taking pictures of figurines slowly over time (think Wallace and Gromit or the old Rankin/Bass holiday films). 24 pictures = 1 second of motion. When you play back each frame, it looks like your figurines are coming to life and moving on their own!
I had my 8 (almost 9) and 6 year old daughters help create some stop motion videos for this lesson using our Nativity set and saint figurines. Easy enough for a little kid to follow, but engaging/challenging enough for a big kid (or grown-up).
Back when I was a middle school art teacher, we would have an awards ceremony where we would watch each kid’s animations. You could have a family movie watching party and enjoy popcorn while celebrating your hard work!
If you love animation, be sure to check out my Jesus Flip Book lesson!

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Love animation? Check out my Jesus Flip Book lesson!
Suggested Supplies:
Smart Phone or Tablet
Tripod (or something sturdy to rest your device against)
iPad Pro Tablet Case
Stop Motion Studio App (Free!)
Catholic Toys, Legos, or Clay (our dolls were purchased from Shining Light Dolls and Be A Heart – not sponsored, we just love their toys!)
Backdrop and/or props (Fabric, paper, canvas, mat, sticks, rocks, clay, small toys, or create your own!)
Nativity Set