Author Archives: asheys3

How to Draw and Paint the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Today I’m walking you through step-by-step how to draw and paint the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You can follow along with me on my YouTube channel to create your own Immaculate Heart.

Suggested supplies for this project:

Strathmore Watercolor Paper

Arches Hot Press Watercolor Paper

Crayola Washable Watercolors

Winsor and Newton Watercolors

Master’s Touch Watercolors—48-Piece-Set/p/80881200

Winsor and Newton Colourless Masking Fluid

QoR Watercolor Iridescent Gold

Trekell Synthetic Watercolor Paintbrush Set

Scotch Blue Painter’s Tape


(Note: Amy Heyse Art is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

How to Draw and Paint the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today I’m walking you through step-by-step how to draw and paint the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You can follow along with me on my YouTube channel to create your own Sacred Heart.

Suggested supplies for this project:

Strathmore Watercolor Paper

Arches Hot Press Watercolor Paper

Crayola Washable Watercolors

Winsor and Newton Watercolors

Master’s Touch Watercolors—48-Piece-Set/p/80881200

QoR Watercolor Iridescent Gold

Trekell Synthetic Watercolor Paintbrush Set

Scotch Blue Painter’s Tape


(Note: Amy Heyse Art is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

How to Draw Mary for May Crowning

Happy May! The month of May is often the time families honor Mary with flowers, so I thought it would be fun to offer a video tutorial of how to draw Mary with a flower wreath crown. All you need are a pencil, paper, and something to color with. I used colored pencils, but you can use any media you desire! The nice thing about this project is you can change up the colors however you would like. Perfect for budding artists and the young at heart.

I did this project with my 4 year old and 7 year old. My oldest, Holly, gave Mary a flowing veil and depicted her surrounded by angels. My youngest drew her twice.

If you have children who are too young to draw along but like to color, I have a copy of the line art listed below that you’re free to print and use for personal use.

Feel free to tag me on Facebook or Instagram and use #artwithamyheyse so I can see your finished Marian masterpieces! You can find a few more drawing tutorials on my YouTube channel. I also have a St. Lucy painting tutorial available in my Etsy shop.

Illustration Opportunities

Growing up, “illustrating a children’s book” was on my dream list (probably right under “workin a Disney”). I loved the work of illustrators like Jan Brett, Chris Van Allsburg, Mercer Meyer, and more. I used to write and illustrate my own stories. In fall of 2020, I got asked by Our Sunday Visitor (OSV) to create the cover illustration for a new Catholic kids magazine called OSV Kids. The January cover was to depict a family inviting home a new baby, so I had my daughters model for photos with an American Girl doll wrapped up in a blanket.

I created the cover illustration with the help of my new iPad Pro and the app Procreate. It was a dream come true. Seeing my daughters holding a copy of the physical magazine bearing their image was definitely one of the coolest experiences I’ve had as an artist.

It was such a positive and rewarding experience, so I was extra excited when I was asked to create another illustration for the centerfold of the June 2021 issue (I’ll try to share that one later when it comes out) as well as the artwork for a new book on the Jesse Tree by Colleen Pressprich (which will also be published by Our Sunday Visitor).

The cover illustration started off as a line drawing that I shaded using dark brown tones. I tried to create all of the tonal values with this brown shade to make an “under painting.” On a separate layer, I added the colors for the girls on top. You can see what the different stages looked like in the above photo (cover image copyright Our Sunday Visitor).

We Shepherd Together

Sometimes a project is just meant to be. My dear friend, Elizabeth Zelasko, got me in touch with a lovely lady named Anne who felt called to commission an artist to create an original piece of artwork. The idea for this image was of a priest holding a lamb and Jesus guiding the priest. She knew the title would be “We Shepherd Together.” The image had been on her heart for years, but not being an artist herself she wasn’t sure where to begin. Elizabeth was one of the artists she got in touch with, but when she was unavailable to create the image, she got Anne in contact with me.

On the phone, I had a pretty clear idea of the direction I wanted to take for Anne’s piece and the sketch came together very quickly. In my personal experience, I have always found that there is a certain rhythm and flow to a project when it’s meant to be. It’s like my hand is drawing or painting faster or with a skill level I shouldn’t have. Though it’s hard to know for sure, these moments definitely feel guided by the Holy Spirit.

We Shepherd Together sketch

After I sent Anne the final image for her to approve, I can remember the feeling of elation I had when she said, “You nailed it!” It felt good to be part of the process of collaborating together to create a piece of art meant to inspire our clergy. If there’s a will, then there’s a way, and God always will find a way to make it happen.

Prints of “We Shepherd Together” are now available in my Etsy shop.

Holy Family Sacred Hearts

I had been listening to a podcast last spring about Eucharistic miracles. In the interview, they talked about the scientific testing that has been used on Eucharistic hosts. Under a microscope, the host looks like the heart of someone who has died from severe trauma.

The Holy Family aren’t bland, emotionless statues. My purpose with this series is to highlight that they were people who experienced severe trauma and were emotional beings.

Prints and stickers of each heart can be found on my Etsy page.

Pianos About Town 2019

For the Pianos About Town 2019 season, I had the opportunity to paint my third piano for the city, “How to fold a paper crane.” I had always loved origami growing up and wanted to make a nod to my Japanese heritage. I love that the pianos encourage spontaneous music making, so I thought combining two art forms together would be a fun take.

This is one of my favorite pianos to date and I hope that people enjoy trying to follow along with the directions.

Wedding Season

I’ve been busy creating a lot of portrait pieces to celebrate weddings and other occasions. I even had the opportunity to paint some custom cornhole boards for a reception.

I love it when I’m asked to create portraits whether it’s for a wedding, anniversary, or other occasion. I truly believe that art is a ministry, so being able to paint something beautiful to be shared in the home of a family is really a blessing.

Many of the podcasts I have been listening to lately have discussed the theme of beauty. It is so important to be surrounded by beauty because it shapes our souls and it shapes our culture. I’m so thankful that I get asked to be a part of the process

Watercolor, 5×7”.
Watercolor, 4×6”.

Mermaid Chair

In July, the Downtown Development Authority asked me to paint an Adirondack chair for Old Town Square. I decided to paint a mermaid because my daughter Holly loves them. The mermaid chair is a perfect addition to the splash pad in the square that lots of kids play in.

It was so much fun to paint and I’ve enjoyed seeing it out and about whenever I’m downtown. I feel so honored to have been asked to work on this project. Thanks for supporting up-and-coming local artists!



A goal of mine had been to paint close-to-lifesize portrait paintings of my two daughters, Holly and Mayumi. In 2018, the completed painting of my daughter Holly was finished and was accepted into a regional fine art show. I started working on the painting of my youngest, Mayumi, a little over a month ago.

The painting depicts 18 month old Mayumi in her velvet and tulle Christmas dress. You can practically hear her saying “Cheese” as you look at her toothy toddler grin. A lot of nights were spent painting chubby toddler fingers, her sweet little face, and the different textures of her dress.

Even when the painting was in the early stages, just a sketch on a piece of paper, Mayumi recognized herself. She would proudly point to the painting and say, “Me” throughout the process. She was excited to see the finished product which I will be hanging up on the wall next to Holly’s portrait. I’m hoping to enter it into the National Fine Art Show at the same gallery later this season.

Mommy and Mayumi
“Mayumi.” Watercolor, 16×20”